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BENIN, 02 BP1285 PARAKOU, Benin
Full name
Okounmassou Eustache Odoffin

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Serge and I parted ways in 2004 with a vow to remain in contact. I started another company that traded nuts and dried fruits and Serge started a restaurant in his hometown. Both of us were doing what we loved……creating businesses and creating opportunities. We learned a lot from each other and realized that despite the VERY different ways we were raised, we shared VERY common goals, beliefs, and dreams. We remained close talking through Yahoo! messenger and brainstorming future endeavors. We tried our hand in several ideas such as importing artisan wood sculptures from Benin and selling them on eBay to importing cheap trinkets into Benin and selling on the local market. We developed a deep friendship based on trust and common vision. One day, Serge brought up the idea of investing in farming (Side note: Serge loves farming, loves nature, and loves working with his hands). As the dreams and visions of changing Benin began to circulate, we decided to try it. We came up with a business plan and a budget to buy a small farm, partner with the local villages and impact the community through business. We finalized this plan in the spring of 2008 and decided the next step would be for a return trip to Benin that summer. I got married in June of that same year and actually took my wife to Benin for our honeymoon in July.! I introduced her to Benin and she fell in love with it as much as I did. For nearly 3 weeks in July 2008, the three of us brainstormed, dreamed, and decided to change the world. We ended up buying the farm on that trip as planned but little did we know, the farm idea was just the starting point……

In 2010, we dared to change the cashew market in Benin. 95% of the cashews were being shipped to other countries for processing, which exported jobs, wealth, and opportunity. Today, we have created a local, thriving, and sustainable cashew operation that employs over 650 workers and sources cashews from 7,000 cashew farmers. The team of 650 includes 649 Beninese and 1 American where local citizens are driving the change and impact in the local community.

It is the great honor of our lives to have the opportunity to develop, empower, and equip an incredible team of people and to help drive a movement. The story is amazing and the impact is profound and if we are honest, we would love to take the credit for it. However, the truth is the success of Tolaro Global is because of the strong leadership team we have developed over the last decade and the 648 other people who are committed to our mission. As for Serge and I, we just had enough sense to pause and to take the “other road”.

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