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Østerhovedvej 4, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark
Full name
Martin Jørgensen

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Skarø’s ice cream is made with care and passion: care for nature and a passion for creating the most delicious tastes from the ingredients that nature provides. On the tiny island of Skarø in Denmark, where we reside, nature is our partner, offering us a diverse range of unique resources and inspiration. Our ice cream is an expression of our sustainable approach, and we are sure you will enjoy every spoonful – just as nature intended.

Unlike ice cream from other manufacturers, ice cream from Skarø contains neither air, water, additives nor flavour enhancers. We use fresh organic fruit and whole berries. This is why our ice cream, has an enriched taste of what they actually contain. You will have no doubts when you taste it.

Customary to all products from Skarø is the great taste, the organic ingredients, and the energy-efficient production methods with which they are created. We cater to vegans with our fresh sorbets. Those affected by illness, and fitness enthusiasts get both delight and benefit from our tasty and nutritious protein products. Our dairy ice cream is pure bliss, made with natural cream from a local dairy.

Ice cream from Skarø is free from major allergens, including gluten, nuts, and soy, and does not contain additives. We have reduced the calories and increased nature's sweetness by using birch sap and sugar seaweed as flavour enhancers.

Please visit us at SIAL and have a chat and a taste. We are located in Hall 5A Booth H131

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