Selektia Tartufi

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Legal name
Selektia Italia srl
Business address
Via Vittorio Niccoli 316/Q, 50051 Castelfiorentino, Italy
Full name
Giulia Dignani
Sales manager

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The manifestation of love for the territory and the passion for genuine cuisine was handed down by Simone Calugi's parents: Renato and Giuliana. Two faces that have made the history of the sector. Simone and Laura created Selektia Tartufi, where the primary objective is the pursuit of excellence Tuscany to take all over the world. Selektia Tartufi was born in Tuscany in 2008. Precisely in Castelfiorentino, a medieval village located at the intersection of the its important communication routes: the via Francigena and via Volterrana. Tuscany is one of the most important Italian regions for the production of truffles. Our region is fortunate to still have uncontaminated areas today where you can find places rich in truffles all year round. Precious tuber, harvested mainly between San Miniato, the Volterrane Balze and the Crete Senesi, is selected and processed with the most innovative technologies, to preserve and enhance its natural characteristics. All Selektia products are born from love for the territory and from passion for the typical and genuine Tuscan cuisine.

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