PSS Svidník a.s.

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Business information

Legal name
PSS Svidník a.s.
Business address
Sovietských hrdinov 460/114, 08901 Svidník, Slovakia
Full name
Kamila Timaniková

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU
Creation date


PSS SVIDNÍK, a.s. is a company located in a small town in the Northeast of Slovakia it has been successfully building food machinery since 1972. The company is well-known as a manufacturer and supplier of machines and equipment for the meat processing industry and breweries, which are offered individually or as part of complete manufacturing lines. Since the beginning we have focused on building cooperation with business operations and companies in the food and meat processing industry. Currently, PSS SVIDNÍK, a.s. annually delivers more than 90% of its production to countries of Western and Eastern Europe, Asia and America. The priorities of the company are quality, reliability and precision. We have 50 years experience in combination with the emphasis on continuous product development which makes the company a top producer in its field of operation. PSS SVIDNÍK, a.s. constantly monitors the development of new trends and the actual content of production adapts to changing of market requirements and needs. We offer premium quality products to our customers which comply with all health and safety standards. We provide smooth delivery of products, installation and staff training. The quick customer service, as well as the supply of spare parts, are the priority for us and for our authorized dealers.

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