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Business information

Legal name
Jamones Duriber
Business address
Parma 1, 19004 Guadalajara, Spain
Full name
Manuel Labian

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V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU


Vall Companys is a leading Spanish family-owned agri-food group stablished in 1956.

The Vall Companys Group operational model is based on the integration of all stages of the production process, and the work of dedicated professionals who are highly trained in their respective fields.

Also worth mentioning is the introduction of latest-generation information systems in all mechanical areas, which link and automate the group's various production plants.
Thanks to all this, we are able to guarantee total traceability in all processes, as well as high levels of food safety and constant optimal quality of the product.

ORES, Vall Companys’ processed products division, provides to its clients all their needs in the charcuterie category through a single supplier, offering specific solutions for every sector and market, from food service to large retailers, both nationally and internationally. We also offer our clients a full range of brand names, designed specifically to stand out and add value to the product.

All our facilities are BRC and IFS certified and we are also authorized by the USDA to export to the US.

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