Molino Vigevano

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Legal name
Molino Vigevano 1936
Business address
Via dell'Artigianato, 5, 27020 Torre D'isola, Italy
Full name
Raffaele Nicodemo

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Molino Vigevano history began in 1936. We have built up over 80 years’ worth of experience and innovation in the art of flour processing. We have implemented and patented new milling techniques such as cold extraction and stone milling wheat germ, fundamental steps in the development of our flagship range “Oro di Macina” the only flour with stone ground wheat germ, which retains the vitality and richness of its original properties. We have always selected quality grain, in
order to create natural flours that help professional users in their daily work and contribute to a healthy diet for our
consumers. We operate both in retail and Horeca channel with dedicated range of products
We produce high quality flour for real italian pizza

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