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Business information

Legal name
Business address
10 route de l'aérodrome, 45550 Saint-Denis-De-L'Hôtel, France
Full name
Corinne Perrin

Legal information

V.A.T number - fill in 0 if outside EU
Creation date


LSDH (Laiterie de Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel) is an independent family business, created over 110 years ago. Originally a dairy company, over the years it has acquired a great deal of know-how which has enabled it to diversify.

The company is organised around activities:
- The liquid division produces and packages all types of liquid foodstuffs in aseptic and refrigerated conditions (milk, cream, vegetable drinks, soups, fruit juices, drinks, syrups, etc.) in brick or bottle (plastic and glass packaging).
- The vegetable division processes and distributes ready-to-eat salads, vegetables and fresh fruit, as well as snack salads.

Key player in these fields, LSDH supplies French supermarket chains and out-of-home restaurants and produces for well-known brands. It also has its own brands: Cidou, Les Crudettes and C'ZON. LSDH is involved in all or part of the process: support and development of agricultural sectors, research and development, processes, packaging, supply chain and logistics and marketing.

LSDH defends with conviction the strong values of Passion, Ambition and Humanity. The company is committed to proactive approaches to meet its commitments in terms of CSR and contribute to place economy at the disposal of people and the environment.

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