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C/ Real de Madrid Nord, 81, 46469 Beniparrell - Valencia, Spain
Full name
Ricardo Miralles

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Importaco, through its brand Itac Professional, is a nut supplier and wholesale distributor of dried fruits, chocolate, snacks, and related products, which works in the food sector with the aim of encourage people to eat natural products and to live in a healthier way of life.

Their more than 80 years of experience as wholesalers of nuts and dried fruits make this company a reference and specialists in the import, production, and marketing of these products globally.

Importaco, with its brands, is a highly specialised nut manufacturer for three markets: food industry, retail, and food service.
- Food industry, providing the best ingredients for the most discerning global industry companies.
- Food service, offering to the best professionals (chefs, distributors, cash&carry) the highest quality nuts and dried fruits they need for their receipts, with product options gluten and peanut free.
- Retail, delivering concepts and solutions for this sector internationally.

Beyond the wide range and high quality of their products, Importaco is built in a focus-customer culture, centring in the environment sustainability in its activity.


SIAL Paris 2024
8 E-025

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