2nde Chance

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Legal name
2nde chance MM
Business address
25 B rue louis blanc, 21000 DIJON, France
Full name
Maxence Colin

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A generation in full search of meaning
We try to embody, with 2nd Chance, what many people dream of finding: meaning in their work and a life mission.

Because that’s the whole point: doing things every day that make us want to jump out of bed!

We are aware that it is not a simple streetwear and responsible fashion brand that will revolutionize the world.

On the other hand, it gives each person the chance to take a small step forward.

Why 2nd Chance then?
At the origin of 2nd Chance, an awareness.

In 2020, we moved in full lockdown and space in the car quickly ran out.

It was the absolute dilemma between a bag full of old shoes or a bonsai in top form. And in life, you have to make choices.

On the journey, we felt guilty about having gotten rid of our old shoes and we said never again!

Brief. You understand, we saved the bonsai. And that’s where the idea of ​​creating our brand was born.

We want to give our products at least a second chance: repair and recycling, none of our products will end up in the dumpster.

The best in history? We inform you of what happens to them at the end of their life.

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