Fines Saveurs des Îles

Guava Jam - 30g

Product’s description

"This jam evokes tropical warmth in the mouth and childhood memories for many. You may have tasted it as a child or on a holiday in the islands. At the very least, you've heard of it. Cultivated for over 2,000 years in America. The guava was called the "sand plum" by the Aztecs. The guava is thought to have been introduced to the West Indies and the Caribbean by the Amerindians, well before the arrival of the Europeans. Serving suggestions: Toast, Yoghurt, Cakes, Pancakes, Snacks".


Fines Saveurs des Îles
20 Rue des Oliviers, 31190 Auterive, France

Product’s features

Product Information

Brand product Fines Saveurs des Iles
Dietary preferences vegan
Made in France


20 Rue des Oliviers, 31190 Auterive, France
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