Fines Saveurs des Îles

Bergamot Eat Jam - 30g

Product’s description

"Highly appreciated for its tender, juicy and sweet flesh with the scent of the sun, the mango is one of the most popular exotic fruits on the tables of cultures around the world, where its yellow flesh makes our mouths water. Combined with bergamot, also known as combawa, a small citrus fruit with a powerful fragrance and a taste halfway between bitter orange and lime, this mango bergamot jam invites you on an exceptionally tasty culinary journey. Rich in fibre, vitamins A and C and beta-carotenes, this jam is sure to delight your palates with its exotic, tropical flavours. Total fruit content: 56%".


Fines Saveurs des Îles
20 Rue des Oliviers, 31190 Auterive, France

Product’s features

Product Information

Brand product Fines Saveurs des Iles
Dietary preferences vegan
Made in France


20 Rue des Oliviers, 31190 Auterive, France
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