Visconti - Storie di Terra

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Raison sociale
S. S. Agr. L'Aurora
Via Foggia km 0,100, 71017 Torremaggiore, Italie
Contact entreprise
Luigi Visconti
Type d'activité

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Since always cultivating lands is the thing we do best: in our family we hand down a true art which is full of all the knowledge, skills and expertise required in the processes of cultivating olives and then pressing them.
An art that has its roots in the best rural tradition, preciously preserved and transmitted, and which always aims at a continuous experimentation in the search for innovation, both in production and in cultivation. Brothers, children and grandchildren: our stories of land are stories of people. Our work tastes like family, unity, staying together, but has also the added and personal value that each of us can bring. In fact, it has been since generations that the Visconti family cultivated the land and gathered its generous fruit. The company has over 100 hectares of cultivated land ranging from wheat to tomatoes, from vineyards to olive groves. The olive-covered area is represented by over 30 hectares, with a total that exceeds 5000 plants; among these, about 80%, is represented by centuries-old and multi-secular trees. The vast majority consists of Peranzana cultivar trees, native of the territory, while in smaller numbers there are cultivars such as Coratina, Rotondella, Santa Caterina and Leccino. It is essential for the Visconti family to be able to follow every single stage of production: in this way the supply chain becomes short and a “family business”: from plant care, to harvesting fruit, to transport them in the mill and milling, to storage and bottling up, to the labeling. Everything is taken care of personally. This in order to always guarantee the highest quality standards and to make sure that every work is carried out in accordance with best practice.
This story of earth comes from right here, from our family, and tells about its passion, fatigue, the vision of the future and the continuous search for excellence.

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