Vely Care s. r. o.

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Vely Care s. r. o.
Šarišské Bohdanovce 166, 08205 Šarišské Bohdanovce, Slovaquie
Contact entreprise
Miroslava Sabolová
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
Date de création


Vely story
How did the story of the Vely brand begin?

At the beginning of the story of the Vely brand is the desire to support women and help them grow and progress in all directions. Because a society where women support each other should be a reality and not just a dream, however, a woman who takes her life into her own hands cannot do without full support for her health. Because good health is the foundation of a beautiful life, this is where the desire to support women through unique nutritional supplements was born, just like any woman.

Why choose Vely juicy gummy vitamins?

All Vely products contain natural nutrients and are made without dyes, gluten, soy, nuts and GMOs. Vely vitamins are a fresh, tasty and "green" product, and they are simply a magical day experience. After all, life is about moments, so make them all as juicy as possible. In addition, Vela's juicy nutritional supplements do not need to be swallowed and washed down with water.

“I decided to concentrate on juicy vitamins because of my need and effort to find a way to take nutritional supplements pleasantly. The idea of ​​a big pill, even though it's full of vitamins, discouraged me and prevented me from taking my supplements regularly. I also often encountered a similar problem with swallowing large capsules in women. That is another reason why the brand Vely was created.”

The founder of the Vely brand, Miroslava

Composition of the Vely product portfolio

Slovak brand Vely brings to the market juicy vitamin complexes developed by pharmacists based on effective Vely™ Formulas. The product portfolio is arranged precisely according to the periods of life that women go through. At the same time, Vely nutritional supplements take into account the needs of women during the individual phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as food intolerances and other dietary preferences.

Get to know the philosophy of the brand VELY
Life is like a dance. Sometimes we enjoy it energetically and passionately, energetically and with strength. Other times we slow down, and even falls are not avoided. Whether we are little girls, young ladies or women, we are all full of desires and dreams. We want to dance full of passion and energy, not heavy and severe. Although our desires change with age, the love for life remains.

When we were little girls, our role model was mom and her charming demeanour. We dreamed of being like her, wearing heels, beautifying ourselves and appearing feminine. In adolescence, we fulfil this dream when we desire to be constantly beautiful and to gain admiration. As we age, we want to be strong and successful in our careers. We try to be good mothers and partners. We are simply living an extraordinary life every day. Desires drive us not to stay put but to move forward constantly. They fill our essence and inspire us to work on ourselves continually. To desire is actually to live.

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