van Nahmen

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Obstkelterei van Nahmen GmbH & Co. KG
Diersfordter Str. 27, D-46499 Hamminkeln, Allemagne
Contact entreprise
Marta Szymanska
Type d'activité
Export manager

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
DE 121006477
Date de création


van Nahmen is a German, family - owned private fruit press established in 1917, which specialises in production which fit the ‘not from concentrate, no additives, no colouring, no preservatives’ market expectations.

All our products are pressed from locally sourced fruits and vegetables and are 100% vegan. Additionally, some of our apples, grapes or berries are BIO certified. Juices, nectars and non-alcoholic aperitifs are offered in stylish glass bottles and we have 3 formats available (0,75l, 0,25l & 0,20l). We supply to the retail and the HoReCa sector, to include Micheline stars rated restaurants.

Our products are now available across Europe and in Asia. The sales network is continuously developing, and we are looking for further opportunities to enter new markets.

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