Valnuts/ Buzzonada/ Bulgarian delicacies

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Valnuts Ltd
Geo Milev 4, 4180 Hisarya, Bulgarie
Contact entreprise
Rosen Nedev
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Valnuts Ltd was founded way back in 1991. from the owner
Valentin Nedev!
In the beginning, he started with the wholesale trade of nuts, and in 2001 we build
a new modernized production facility where it processes nuts
from roasting and shelling to calibration and packaging!
To date, leading manufacturers
of ice creams, waffles, cakes and many other small and medium-sized
enterprises in the country and abroad work with our raw materials!

Energy from Nuts is a brand owned of Valnuts Ltd!
Under Energy from Nuts you will find three products range:
Nuts Paste - 100% fine grounded roasted nuts WITHOUT add salt, fats or sugar
Nuts Butters - suitable to satisfy even the most sophisticated tastes!
With their 90% nuts content, they offer a dense and saturated taste
with a slight sweet and salty note.
Nuts spreads - rich range of creams will surprise you with Its unconventional
flavors! Here you will find a delicate hazelnut cream with a milky
taste, crunchy peanuts with caramel, an invigorating hazelnut cream
with coffee, exotic almond cream with coconut, and our irresistible
choco cream with no added sugar!

Informations masquées

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