Toschi Vignola

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Toschi Vignola srl
via Genova 244, 41056 Savignano sul Panaro (MO), Italie
Contact entreprise
Toschi Vignola Srl
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Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Toschi Vignola is an Italian family company founded in Vignola, Modena in 1945; started from the production of the Ciliegia “Spiritosa” (cherries in liqueur) but also including the manufacturing of syrups that date back to the origin of our history.
After that, the company grew its presence in many markets and is now exporting its syrups portfolio in over 80 countries with a leading position also in the domestic market.

Toschi Vignola now have 2 business lines:
- Beverage, with over 55 flavours of syrups for food service and retail, in several packaging formats.
- Gelato ingredients including the famous amarena cherry in syrup, topping sauces, and bases.

The company “spirit” is to tell, through its products, the excellence of the territory and of the Italian tradition.

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