
Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Thessalos P.C.
Karolou Milanou 1, 384 46 Nea Ionia, Volos, Grèce
Contact entreprise
Evangelos Antoniou
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


In the past century, Thessalos family began the art of cheese making in the mountains of central Greece, as they were farming sheep and goats free in the nature. In this way their products were enriched with nutrients and flavors that Thessaly mountains offer.

Today, we still breed a high production dairy flock, with modern farming systems and pure greek animal feed, using our own milk in order to produce traditional dairy products. Thus, following faithfully the recipes and the secrets of our ancestors we guarantee for the rich and original taste of them.

Among our many products, we distinguish
• the traditional Greek feta cheese
• the anthotyros, the flowery cheese with the full taste
• the semi hard cheeses, rich in aromas of the Greek countryside
• the high nutrient yogurts with the characteristic skin on its surface
• the kefir, a super drink exclusively made of goat milk

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