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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Agroindustrial y Comercial Superfruit Ltda.
Camino Vecinal 124, Población Santa Cristina, Lo Miranda, 3020000 Rancagua, Chili
Contact entreprise
José Antonio Soffia
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


It was the year 1986, when Agrosuper decided to enter into the Agriculture Business and form Superfruit, company dedicated to the Production, Process, and Exportation of fruit of high quality, and has been able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding markets worldwide.

Superfruit currently owns; 1.000 hectares of Prunes, 700 hectares of Walnuts, 380 hectares of Fresh Fruit (Peaches, Nectarines, Kiwis, Japanese Plums), and 500 hectares of Wine Grape. Planted in the zone of Rancagua, Lolol, Peralillo, Melipilla.

We care about providing complete solutions to our clients, keeping the due supplying of dried fruit and the global markets. Our goal is the quality, in products as well as un service, and with this guarantee the excellence that only Superfruit can assure.

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