Santa Clara

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Fabrica de Alimentos Santa Clara S. A.
Av. Carranza 499, 5903 Villa Nueva - Cordoba, Argentine
Contact entreprise
Federico Martin Casco
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Fabrica de Alimentos Santa Clara S.A. is a dairy company established in the middle of Argentina dedicated to the production and commercialization of dairy products and milk ingredients supplying the local and exports markets. Located in the city of Villa Nueva, Córdoba province. This area is in the heart of the Argentine fields, being one of the most characteristic dairy basins of our country, with geographical, climatic and soil conditions that favor the quality and safety of the product. We process 100 millions liters of dairy per year producing milk powders, AMF (Anhydrous Milk Fat), milk caramel spread and fresh products. We export to different regions around the world. Among them, the main destinations of our products are: Algeria, Brazil, Chile, Russia, West Africa and Middle East.

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