Romeo e Giulietta Food and Wine

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Romeo e Giulietta Food and Wine
Piazza Cittadella,12, 37122 Verona, Italie
Contact entreprise
Gianluca Mozzo
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


The “Romeo e Giulietta” Group is an innovative business network formed by 7 manufacturing companies from the province of Verona, which operate in the food sector with a range of products able to satisfy every request.

The opportunities of the Verona area, combined with individual entrepreneurial skills, have allowed the companies of “Romeo e Giulietta” Group to evolve from local companies to large structured businesses, able to combine a future-oriented vision with the desire to preserve the taste of family tradition.

This innovative approach has led to the introduction of cutting-edge technologies aimed at maximum production efficiency and the maintenance of quality and genuineness of raw materials, to obtain healthy and tasty foods that fully represent the love for food of all companies in the group.

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