Predilecta Alimentos

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Predilecta Alimentos
Via Predilecta, 50, 15999800 Matão, Brésil
Contact entreprise
Samanta Paganini
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
Date de création


Predilecta was born in the center of the largest guava producing region in Brazil.
Today, we are one of the main food industrie , leader in the sweets segments ( guava paste ), following with our second brand in the stand up sauces gourmet and vegetables.
The company has a wide mix composed of more than 250 skus(items), among whick we can highlight: Guava, tomatoes, jellies, topping, Zero sugar line, vegetables, condiments and much more!
The proximity between farming and industry allows the fruits to be harvested, transported and processed on the same day, adding another great attibute to the quality of Predilecta products.

WE have 5 others companies of the group Predilecta offering different brands with the same segment in products, companies: STELLA D´ORO, SALSARETTI, SÓ FRUTA, MINAS MAIS, NORDESTE MAIS.

Predilecta has business in more than 40 countries around the world; all the certification to supply all the requirements, are: SGS, IFS, KOSHER, HALAL, FDA.

The special Brazilian flavor to the World. Predilecta made with Love!

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