Polska Róża

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Polska Róża Ernest Michalski Sp. z o.o.
Róży 5, 05-090 Falenty Nowe, Pologne
Contact entreprise
Agnieszka Michalska
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A brief history

In the beginning there was a family home
Polish Rose is a completely Polish brand. Our roots, however, are connected with the Lviv traditions of the house of engineer Ernest Michalski. In his family, rose preserves reigned on the table as a delicacy and a medicine at the same time. As he recalls:

"A tenement house in a traditional Lviv style, and in it our apartment.

I remember a sideboard in which beautiful porcelain stood. It was used on special occasions. The same as rosehip preserves: fruit syrup, petal jam. Although many years have passed, I will always associate Sunday afternoon tea with this porcelain and rose petals in sugar. In the same way, I remember the treatment with rose hip juice, which my mother served prophylactically and during colds. He always helped.

It seemed to me a miracle cure for everything. That's how I think about him ever since."

Then a small plantation and the first product
Being already on the Mazovian land, in the 70s Ernest Michalski decided to start growing a rose – exactly the same species that he hosted in his family home. It was Rosa Rugosa: a wrinkled rose.

The engineer started from a small plantation near Warsaw. He was driven by sentiment and the discovery of forgotten research by Polish scientists, which clearly indicated the unusual properties of rosehips.

The first product from this small plantation was rose hip nectar, made using a homemade method for the needs of family and friends. With regular consumption, everyone noted an improvement in well-being and strengthening of the body. The content of vitamin C in it was about 180 mg in 100 ml.

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