PIK-Bečej AD

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
PIK-Bečej AD
Novosadska ulica 155, 21220 Bečej, Serbie
Contact entreprise
Zoran Krunić
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Fruit and vegetable processing plant Flora was founded back in 1978. Since the beginning, it has operated as an integral part of PIK Bečej AD.

In 2016 we become part of MK Group, which is one of the leading holding companies in both Serbia and the region.

The application of modern technique and technology in our factory produces 18,000 tonnes of vegetables every year, which gives us the opportunity to offer the market a wide range of finished products behind which there is a proven quality and history of debt over 40 years.

Flora products are made of natural raw materials, with natural spices, canned physically, heat and cold, without added additives, artificial colors, aromas and preservatives.

The most important export products are frozen peas, beans and corn sugar, as well as sterilized peas and corn sugar. Flora markets russia and the Middle East, EU countries, as well as markets in all republics of the former Yugoslavia. Continuity in business, constant investment in production capacities, innovation but also reliability are the main factors that have influenced our company increasing the volume of cooperation with both existing and new partners each year.

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