Philomelia Honey

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Philomelia Honey
Agios Georgios, 48200 Filippiada, Grèce
Contact entreprise
Konstantinos Exarchos
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Everything started as a game, when I was just 16 years old (2011). I was amazed by the bee world. Creating a bee colony and monitoring how this world grows and survives, was something truly spectacular. Without a beekeeping history running in our family, I had to learn the old-fashioned way. This meant helping former, experienced beekeepers. In this way, I was able to closely observe the process of integrated production and I was once more fascinated by the process of beekeeping. I was also able to realize how to create a product from scratch, and, even more, the way I can achieve this, in collaboration with nature!
Later on, in my 20s (2015) , I decided that this should be my main occupation. In order to achieve this, I attended a series of courses and seminars on beekeeping, offered by the Beekeeping Laboratory of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, along with my studies in Agricultural Technology.
After 9 years of commitment and having the necessary expertise in the field, our team manages to produce honey in sufficient quantity and always driven by excellent quality. Our need for evolution and our external thoughts resulted in the creation of a new brand, which goes by the name of “Philomelia” (2020) . A brand that from the very first moment was welcomed and embraced by the local community and was also distinguished in an international, acknowledged, tasting competition conducted in England (Great Taste Awards). At the same time, we are currently constructing our new honey packing plant, which will complete our journey of production. From day one till today, everything has fitted together perfectly. In slow, but steady steps we walk our way into our dreams and look towards the future with great optimism

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