Pâturages Comtois

Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Pâturages Comtois
2, rue de la Fromagerie, 70500 Aboncourt-Gésincourt, France
Contact entreprise
Emmanuel Leroy
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
FR 30 509199 469


Pâturages Comtois has always been able to adapt to all the changes and requirements of consumers, distributors, logistics and regulations.

Our milk producers are based in around forty towns in Haut-Saônoise. The Pâturages Comtois cooperative produces all its cheeses with milk from 70 dairy farms.

Pâturages Comtois, it is 3 places of manufacture, namely:

1 soft cheese production workshop, in Aboncourt-Gésincourt
1 pressed cheese production workshop (gruyère de France IGP, metton, etc.), in Aboncourt-Gésincourt
1 cancoillotte manufacturing workshop, in Clerval (25)
The advantage and strength of Pâturages Comtois are its responsiveness and its ability to adapt to a constantly changing market.

Recognized for the development of its specialties, Pâturages Comtois can offer a real cheese platter.

Thanks to their diversity, milk producers respond perfectly to the various production specifications (Gruyère de France IGP, Emmental IGP Grand Cru label rouge, Metton and Cancoillotte organic farming, etc.). Thus they know how to reasonably exploit the rich pastures on the banks of the Saône and the surrounding countryside.

All the producers are members of the cooperative, which means that Pâturages Comtois is an extension of their dairy farm. Producers are therefore fully involved in the development of their milk and market orientations.

Pâturages Comtois is actively working to limit its environmental impact by:

Waste treatment and its treatment plant
Optimization of milk collection rounds
Energy recovery


SIAL Paris 22 ; SIAL Paris 24

Cheese and dairy products show 24
7.3 J-054

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