Pastificio Mennucci

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Aldino srl
Via E. Balestreri 236, 55100 Lucca, Italie
Contact entreprise
Giulia Salvadori
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Since its beginnings, Pastificio Mennucci has adopted a production philosophy that is essentially based on four key principals:

“Quality”: from the acquisition of raw ingredients to the control of all production processes to design and packaging. It is essential for Mennucci to produce high quality pasta that combines both traditional manufacturing techniques and the most advanced technologies.

"Product variety ": Pasta can be made in different shapes and sizes from basic designs (i.e. Penne) through to more complex ones (i.e. Bowties). A number of ingredients can be used in making pasta (i.e. Durum wheat semolina, Organic durum wheat semolina, Gluten-free raw materials, Fresh pasteurized eggs and eggs from free-range hens). At Mennucci, it is our goal to be the expert in everything related to the manufacturing of pasta.

“Specialized Production”: Besides traditional pasta, Mennucci provides a wide range of specialty pasta such as: multigrain pasta, gluten free pasta, added vitamin pasta, baby pasta and low protein pasta.

"Packaging”: The packaging is an extremely important element of the finished product as this ultimately is the communication to the targeted consumer. With this in mind, Mennucci is able to tailor packaging (design, material) to meet the needs of a specific market.

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