Oka-Naosaburo-Shoten Co., Ltd.

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Oka-Naosaburo-Shoten Co., Ltd.
4-2-13, Nakamachi, 194-0023 Machida city, Japon
Contact entreprise
Oka Muneaki
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Thank you for watching our soy sauce profile!

We are a soy sauce manufacturing company with a very long history that carries out natural brewing with wooden vats that has not changed since its establishment.
We established in Gunma in 1787 and reached 235th anniversary in 2022. We manufacture soy sauce by fermenting it for about 1 to 2 years by natural brewing using a wooden tub made from cedar, using the same manufacturing method from the beginning.
Many of major soy sauce company uses stainless steel tanks to make products in about half a year, but our soy sauce uses wooden tubs that have been brewed for over 100 years and is aged for a long time by natural brewing. Therefore, the soy sauce has a very deep taste and aroma, and you can fully feel the goodness of the ingredients.
In addition, all of the soy sauce produced in about 720,000 ㎘ (2018 survey) in one year, only about 1% of the soy sauce using a wooden tub is produced.
The number of soy sauce shops, which was 6,000 in the 1960s, decreased to about 1,100 in 2018, and the number of soy sauce manufacturers using wooden tubs is decreasing year by year, so the value of wooden tub soy sauce will increase year by year.
In addition, a part of our factory in Gunma Prefecture were registered as a national registered tangible cultural property in 2013, and have high historical value. People can visit to our factory for free. Because it is a 5-minute walk from Omama Station on the Watarase Valley Railway, many of tourists visit our factory every year.

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