Molino Filippini SRL

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Molino Filippini SRL
Via Piazzola 2, 23036 Teglio, Italie
Contact entreprise
Natalia Chagay
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


We are in Teglio, in the heart of Valtellina, a valley rich in biodiversity where alpine nature dominates. Here, exposed to the sun, in the middle of the mountains surrounded by pure air, from three generations we have been processing buckwheat as our centuries-old tradition has taught us. We have always embraced the gastronomic culture that characterizes these places with commitment, dedication and the right innovation carrying it out with passion. However, year by year, we have grown never stopping doing research adding to our lines several essential raw materials to create unique and healthy dishes. Buckwheat, but also Corn, Quinoa, Millet, Rice, Amaranth and many other cereals included in the Gluten-Free category. We have been producing organic for over 30 years. A fact who testifies our constant commitment towards production safety with a focused look to the needs of an increasingly attentive market for quality who shows our constant attention to the satisfaction of our customers, also proven by our numerous bodies of certifications.

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