Il Molino di Torino

Flours for pasta: for fresh and dry pasta

Description produit

A selection of flours for fresh and dry pasta, all produced by extracting the noblest parts of the grain from the mill, to obtain flours that are ideal for a brightly coloured pasta, whether puffed, extruded or rolled.

- Flour "PORTA SUSA" is a soft wheat flour for the preparation of layered and filled fresh pasta. An extremely fine white flour made from the heart of specially selected grains, to make your pasta elastic and to ensure excellent resistance during cooking. It makes sheets of silky and bright pasta, highlighting the yellow colour of egg and preventing greying;

- Flour "PORTA PALAZZO" is a soft wholegrain wheat flour for the production of gnocchi and fresh pasta. It is characterized by the absence of specks and by the uniform size of the particles, which are larger than ordinary flour. Ideal for the production of gnocchi and to add roughness to sheets of pasta, including filled pasta. It is also perfect as a high-quality dusting and a coating for crispy fried items: perfectly golden, light and dry.


Molini Bongiovanni S.p.a.
Via Volta, 9, 10020 Cambiano (TO), Italie

Caractéristiques produit

Informations produit

Marque du produit Il Molino di Torino
Certification BRC-IFS
Préférences alimentaires halal, kasher, sans additifs, sans conservateurs, sans lactose, sans sel, sans sucres, sans sucres ajoutés, vegan, végétarien
Made in Italie
Niveau de transformation bruts
Engagements eco-responsable cruelty free
Présent sur le salon SIAL Paris 2022
Date de durabilité minimale 3-18 mois
Marché cible grossiste


Via Volta, 9, 10020 Cambiano (TO), Italie
Acheteur Vendeur