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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
ZPS MALPOL Sp. z o.o.
Gruszkowa 2a, 64113 Kąkolewo, Pologne
Contact entreprise
Mateusz Karwatka
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
Date de création


ZPS MALPOL Sp. z o.o. is a food processing company. The factory’s history is overs a quarter of century of tradition and experience. Initially, the plant deal with the processing of musrooms and vegetables in various forms. Over the years, investments were made in the development and expansion of the plant and the machine park. This is enabled to introduction of meat products into production as well. The plant operates in accordance with IFS rules, and from 2020 is has also an ECO certificate entitling it for the production of ecological products. The main market for products, and in particular for whole and sliced mushrooms sterilized under the MALPOL brand are the European Union countries, where over 70% of our annual production goes. The remaining part of the production is shipped to USA, Canada and East. The Malpol company operates of the most modern technological lines, such as: vacuum packing and closing packages, computer supervision during pasteurization and sterilization process. Our products are packed in various unit packagaes, Among them is wide range of glass, foil and metal packaging. One of our priorities is customer satisfaction, therefore we are ready to adapt all product parameters and forms of its packaging to meet their requirements. ZPS Malpol Sp. z o.o. from beginning of its operation it cares about friendly contact with the environment, which results in building its own sewage treatment plant.

goody! is a new brand of the company with modern mission
and a vision in line with the current market trends and consumer awareness. goody! is a word that means something delicious and associated with pleasure. Natural ingredients and high-quality raw materials have a huge impact on our health and well-being, and at the end same time they can provide a taste sensation.

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