
Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Maisi 2020 LLC
Chavchavadze avenue 37l, 0171 Tbilisi, Géorgie
Contact entreprise
Mariam Koyava
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


LLC Maisi 2020 was established with the aim to create healthy, sugar free product from Georgian fruits and vegetables. We believe that the gifts of nature should be used wisely. Therefore, we produce natural juice from handpicked fruits and vegetable from Georgian farmers.
Our factory is located in Natakhtari, Georgia. This area is famous for high quality water which makes our product especially tasty and unique.
Our technologists work on a daily basis to create various juice varieties. Traditionally, Georgia is famous for its grapes and wines. Therefore, we created the special line for grape juice which has unique taste and texture.
Our manufacturing site is equipped with brand-new cutting-edge technologies in order to produce high quality product and minimize the negative effect on nature via waste management and energy efficiency.
Due to our quality and concept, we have attracted the support of various government agencies as well as international donor organizations. We have already implemented British Retail Consortium Global Standards.

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