Magda plant-based

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Raison sociale
Magda plant-based
Zakopiańska 35A, 34-424 Szaflary, Pologne
Contact entreprise
Sylwia Kościelniak
Type d'activité

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N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Our story
The history of the company dates back to the 50s of the last century, when the GRANDFATHER of the current owner ran the dairy. Then, in 1991, her DAD opens MAGDA company, where innovative dairy products are produced. In 2016, the company is taken over by DAUGHTER MAGDA, who changes the management model and product portfolio. Thanks to the passion for plants and the own beliefs of the owner, there is a transformation to the 100% vegan company (the only one in Poland), which starts so called MAGDA 2.0 and changes the name of the company from Jogurty MAGDA to MAGDA plant-based.

Saying goodbye to the cow
is the transformation to 100% plant based production. This is the name we gave to our long-awaited action, which resonated with the international media and was the „news of all time” in our company. Our decision to go 100% plant-based has been cited in Australia, USA, Brazil and many European countries. It attracted such huge interest as it was one of the first transformations of this kind in the world. The media often perceived our consistency as a decision-making incentive for others. We received tremendous support and the word was spread by NGOs that support and promote a plant-based diet and eco lifestyle (Roslinniejemy, V-label, Proveg, etc.).
This change was a consequence of the strategy approved in 2018 and it took place in June 2020 (as a reminder, the company was founded in 1991) based on our MOTTO: I eat - plant-based, I think - tomorrow or I protect - nature.To this day, the month of June is a „company celebration” month for us; the month we celebrate by internal meetings, cultivating and promoting internally our motto. Our plan is to spread this idea and work on a wider scale.
Interestingly, during all meetings MAGDA serves and promotes plant-based dishes or as we say: we do not pay for meat :)
This transition to a fully plant-based company is referred internally in the company as „the new birth” and the creation of MAGDA 2.0. At the same time our logo was refreshed; it is no longer “Jogurty MAGDA” - but „MAGDA ROSLINNA” (Magda plant-based). And as one of the really few companies, we can still take pride in this and it does fill us with pride!
This change is also crucial for vegans, a group that is strongly hermetic and can strongly identify with a specific organisation. These people will not buy products from companies that are not 100% authentic. They will loudly boycott manufacturers who merely offer some brands of vegan products, while their main profile is still animal production.
Transferring to plant-based production, after less than 30 years in the dairy business, was a natural consequence of the newly adopted philosophy of our organisation, implemented by the new President - Magda.

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