Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Kovelska Street 150, 43016 Lutsk, Ukraine
Contact entreprise
Tetiana Shamrai
Type d'activité
Export manager

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


PrJSC “Lutsk Foods” is a Ukrainian producer of groceries that has been producing high-quality food products since 1945.

During its existence «Lutsk Foods» has managed to get the domestic recognition as a producer of healthy and safe food products of consistently high quality, and has gained the reputation of a responsible and reliable partner.

The company’s history goes back over 75 years, during which the latest trends were always closely followed and new technologies were introduced. In 2008-2010, a complete reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise was carried out.

In 2014-2016 the modernisation program continued, and two more production lines were put into operation.

As a result, it became possible to extend the range of high-quality and exclusive in their formulation products produced by PrJSC “Lutsk Foods”.

The company has its own national brands “Runa”, “Ridnyi Krai” with more then 75 SKUs produced under these trade marks

The company’s products are fully certified, made only from natural raw materials without preserving agents or food coloring agents.

Tomato paste, the quality of which was approved by the state standard DSTU 3343-89, is used as a base for sauces’ recipes.

TM “Runa”is represented by a broad range of grocery products: tomato sauces and tomato paste, adjikas and mustards, ketchups, vinegars.

One of the important activities of the company is making private label products. Since 2009 PrJSC “Lutsk Foods” has been successfully cooperating with the largest retail chains of Ukraine, partners from Western Europe and Africa in the field of private label production. The range of private label products has more than 36 SKUs

“Today the company employs over 320 highly qualified specialists in the fields of production, supply and sales. Experienced managers make important marketing and strategic decisions that promote further development of the company and satisfy the requests of all its stakeholders.”

Export is one of the priorities of PrJSC “Lutsk Foods”. The products of the company are available on 4 continents in countries, such as: Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, and others.

Systematic approach to quality control of our products on all production stages guarantees exceptionally tasty and healthy products for our customers.

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