L'Antica Cascina

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
L'Antica Cascina srl
Via Campo dei Fiori, 2, 47122 Forlì, Italie
Contact entreprise
Gian Luca Gazzoni
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
Date de création


L’Antica Cascina is an Italian dairy company specialized in high quality sheep cheeses production.
We have a long family history that roots back in the early 1960s. We passed our skill on through the generations, as a tangible proof of Romagna people’s capacity to do business.
We have 3 main locations:
• Headquarter (Dairy & Ripening Centre): here we produce our cheese with passion and meticulous controls, thanks to technological ripening rooms (BRC certificate).
• Caves: our cheese matures, according to tradition, in Villa Corte (Brisighella, RA, Italy).
• Tufa pits: ground-holes carved out in tufa rock for cheese fermentation.
Our cheese production range meets any need:
- Fresh
- Semi-ripened
- Ripened
- Fermented
- Creams
Hard work, tenacity and inexhaustible passion have brought the company to become a benchmark, in and out of Italy, for the production of seasoned and refined pecorino cheeses.
Thanks to its quality, the brand L’Antica Cascina has recently celebrated its 25th anniversary.
For some years now, we have also resumed some ripening traditional methods where the fermentation of cheese gives special and unique flavours to its taste: pungent, lightly spicy, or sweet. The texture becomes more crumbly and granular as well.
All these ripening methods shape the great experience that we give out in the market to customers as marketing support.
We commit to preserve the artisan tradition of our cheeses that will continue to maintain its unmistakable flavour and taste "as it used to be".
At the same time, L’Antica Cascina will invest in progress and strongly project towards the future, in a combination of digital innovation and sustainability.


SIAL Paris 24
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