Kalina Ltd.

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Kalina Ltd.
Zhelio voivoda 63, 8800 Sliven, Bulgarie
Contact entreprise
Rumyana Geleva
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


"KALINA" Ltd. is the successor of the company ET "Elva-Vasil Atanasov" established in 1991 and headquartered in the city of Sliven. Since then, its main activity has been the import and distribution of olives and olive oil from Greece and Turkey. Over the years, the company has proven itself as a leader among olive importers in Bulgaria and a reliable and reliable partner that provides superior products at a competitive price. Since 1991 The company is the only and official representative for Bulgaria of olives with the "KALLINA" brand. The olives distributed by "KALINA" Ltd. are produced by the largest producers of olives in Greece and Turkey. This gives us assurance of excellent quality and rhythmic delivery of the products we offer. "KALINA" OOD has its own warehouse of 5000 sq.m. in the Industrial Zone of Sliven. We keep about 100 tons of Turkish and Greek olives in stock, and the assortment of 40 types is maintained without interruption throughout the year. The products are manufactured, packed and transported in accordance with all European standards and requirements for hygiene and environmental friendliness. The manufacturing plants in both Greece and Turkey are certified under the ISO and HACCP quality control systems. The products offered by us are defined as durable, stable and sought after by customers, with a leading role in the delicacy goods sold in Bulgaria. We have our own transport and according to a certain schedule, every day we deliver the goods to the door of each partner in all corners of the country. It is important for us not only to deliver the goods to the site, but also to be helpful in the correct selection, storage and placement at the sites, which is taken care of by our long-term trained employees. The brand "KALLINA" is the company's own brand, registered in the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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