Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
J.P. Beemsterboer Food Traders
Stationsstraat 17, 1749 EG Warmenhuizen, Pays-Bas
Contact entreprise
Paul Rulkens
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
NL 0017.24.708.B.01


JPB delivers top grade food and food products in our exclusive signature brands to our global customer base. Since 1943, JPB has grown into a global food distribution leader by specializing in fresh, frozen, commodities and consumer foods. Drawn from eight decades of experience spanning 90 countries, our exclusive signature brands have become household names due to consistent high quality and professional service.

Why is JPB the right partner for your business? Because our way of working creates uniform standards for our network and their environment to be able to safely and sustainably grow their businesses and livelihoods. We only buy from the best to deliver the best. From farm to table we want to grow together.

We finished an company wide rebranding in 2021, and can't wait to show the world.

JPB: Let's Grow Together!


SIAL Paris 24

Informations masquées

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