Giacinto Callipo Conserve Alimentari S.r.l.

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Giacinto Callipo Conserve Alimentari S.r.l.
Riviera Prangi, 156, 89812 Pizzo (VV), Italie
Contact entreprise
Giacinto Callipo
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Giacinto Callipo established our company back to 1913, in Pizzo, a beautiful city located in Calabria and historically known for tuna fishing and tonnare.

Our company was the first in Calabria, and one of the first enterprises in Italy, to tin the precious Tuna of the Mediterranean. Since its establishment, ‘quality first’ is the mission that Callipo set out to pursue: in fact, in 1926 Callipo was awarded the License of “Official Supplier” by the Real Casa.

After 109 years Callipo has never wavered from that principle: a “way of being” which our business continuously hinge upon, well aware that it represents the secret of success.

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