Fresh Tropical Srl

Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Fresh Tropical Srl
Via Alberto da Giussano 22, 20011 Corbetta, Italie
Contact entreprise
Wahab Abdul
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


The story of Fresh Tropical by Jawad officially began in 2007. Previously, however, it had been operating in the market as an ethnic food shop, run by a family with a staff of ten qualified employees. After starting to actively import produce with a solid organisation, the small shop soon acquired a warehouse for storing goods in Seveso. From there the company’s expansion began with first one and then three booths at the fruit and vegetable market in Milan, and with the acquisition of more locations, over the years it has become more and more the go-to place for distribution in Milan and the surrounding area for ethnic produce, progressively increasing the quality of services and the numbers and kinds of proposals in its catalogue.


SIAL Paris 24
5A J-146

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