Elfath for Import and Export

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Elfath for Import and Export
Netma, 22111 Elbheira, Egypte
Contact entreprise
Mohamed Abouelfath Radwan Hussien Hussien
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


El-Fath" for importing and exporting agricultural crops is a leading Egyptian company in the field of exporting fruits and grains
Our experience in this field extends for more than 10 years, during which we succeeded in establishing a prominent place for us within the Arab and European markets.

This success is due to the quality for which our products are famous, and the observance of international standards in all stages of our work, starting from cultivation, through sorting and packaging, to export and the arrival of products to their destination.
In addition to our use of the latest technological systems in our work, and our continuous quest to improve the level of service we provide to our customers around the world; This is in a way that meets their expectations and is compatible with the requirements of the different markets in which they operate.

El-Fath and its professional team are committed to applying all international quality standards, which qualified it to obtain the ISO 22000/2008 certificate

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