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Sibiliana - Sensale Chardonnay

Description produit

Sensale's signature Chardonnay is a linear and direct organic Sicilian wine, in which the varietal is expressed without difficulty. What strikes the palate is the ease with which it flows, ample and soft thanks also to the roundness conferred by the contact with steel during processing. Harmony reigns supreme in this bottle, whose profile is tinged with the elegance typical of wines made by the Europa Cooperative winery. A safe and reliable label that one never tires of. A true joker of the table.



Edoardo Freddi International
via Donatori di Sangue 7, 46043 Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italie

Caractéristiques produit

Informations produit

Marque du produit Sensale
Packaging d'expédition papier
Made in Italie
Engagements eco-responsable commerce équitable
Température de conservation entre +5 et +10°C
Présent sur le salon SIAL Paris 2022
Contenant 75cl
Packaging produit bouteille


via Donatori di Sangue 7, 46043 Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italie
Acheteur Vendeur