Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC.

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC.
111 Negombo Road, 11850 Peliyagoda, Sri Lanka
Contact entreprise
Dilhan Fernando
Type d'activité
Manager - brand sales

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Nature is the new luxury and tea is its most beautiful expression. Like nature, tea is infinite in variety. Sunshine, wind, rainfall, soil, and temperature craft this herb and thereafter, there is a tea for every mood, tea for every occasion and tea for for every food. Every sip of tea is a conversation with nature.

The largest exporter of branded tea from Sri Lanka who pioneered the value-addition of tea at origin Sri Lankan family tea company Dilmah, founded by Merrill J. Fernando, today the world’s most experienced teamaker, has championed quality, authenticity and variety in tea. Dilmah strive to combine tradition and innovation to create a healthier, happier and better world by bringing the best from bush to cup. These attributes form our assurance of Taste, Goodness and Purpose.

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