DeJong Cheese - Alphenaer

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
DeJong Cheese
Het Sas 14, 5131 RC Alphen, Pays-Bas
Contact entreprise
A De Jong
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Established 1995, we have been producing the tastiest Alphenaer cheeses from various types of milk with our master cheese markers at DeJong Cheese.
We prepare Alphenaer cheeses according to traditional recipes, which guarantee’s perfection. It starts with the selection of the highest quality milk which we collect from the farms in the area. In our cheese factory, the milk is acidified, curdled and then cut, stirred and further processed into special cheeses in the traditional way.
We offer a wide range of flavours, weights and forms of Alphenaer Cheeses and also as private label. The cheese concepts for industrial processing are geared towards efficient use and a delicious taste. Thanks to our flexibility and close cooperation with various parties, we can respond quickly to the wishes of the customer and the market. This ensures that our products, in addition to a unique flavour additive, are tailor-made and easy to process within the desired industry.


SIAL Paris 24
7 - C - 011

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