Daveiga Producción Responsable

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Lugar da Veiga S.L.L.
Poligono Industrial Os Acrivros Parcela A3_D, 27500 Chantada, Espagne
Contact entreprise
Fernando Alonso
Type d'activité
General manager

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
Date de création


Daveiga is a Spanish company created in 2005 to launch the project: Daveiga Responsible Production.

We manufacture Galletas Marineras, an innovative cracker that is consumed as a healthy snack or as a canapé base. The use of quality natural ingredients, extra virgin olive oil, its low salt content and the absence of added sugars offer a nutritionally balanced, healthy and full of flavor alternative.

Innovation, quality and food safety have been the basis of our positioning in the main retailers in Spain and Portugal and of the high growth in sales that places us among the fastest growing companies in Europe during last years. Statista includes us in the rankings: "Financial Times 1000 European Fastest Growing Companies" for the years 2018, 2019 and 2021.

The inauguration of 5,000 m2 of new facilities, scheduled for October, will allow us to triple the current production capacity.

At SIAL we present the 50 g and 100 g Natural Snack Mariñeiras line, which is already being incorporated by several retailers.


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