CONVIVIA - For Italian Food Lovers

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Intex s.r.l.
via Giuseppe Simili 21, 95030 Gravina di Catania, Italie
Contact entreprise
Gabriella Garozzo
Type d'activité
Export manager

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


CONVIVIA products are born in Sicily, on the slopes of the Etna volcano. They are all made with excellent raw materials of exclusively Sicilian origin, mostly grown in the fields adjacent to the production plant. The vegetables are chosen personally by the technicians who take care of the production, that is made in compliance with the typical recipes of the Sicilian tradition. All products are made exclusively with extra virgin olive oil and only during the seasonality of the raw materials (the vegetables are collected, therefore, only in the period of full ripeness, that is when they are full of tastes and flavors).

Quality, simplicity and tradition are the true secret ingredients of CONVIVIA products, which contain the authentic essence of our Sicilian land and also the memory of the genuine convivial joy of Sunday lunches that has always characterized our childhood.

The traditionality of the product is balanced by a modern, minimalist and captivating packaging, designed in order to make the colors of our vegetables the real protagonists of the jar.

I personally guarantee the exceptional quality of all products, that are made unique by the exclusive use of our fresh, natural and organic vegetables. You will immediately appreciate the naturalness of the product since the first taste.


Gourmet Selection 23 ; GOURMET SELECTION 23

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