consorzio tuttitaliafood

Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Consorzio Tuttitaliafood
Viale Cesare Battisti 54, 27100 Pavia, Italie
Contact entreprise
Francesca Agnes
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Tuttitaliafood is a no-profit multiregional food export Consortium and its members are the alimentary small and medium-size Italian Firms.
The Consortium’s aim is to promote and facilitate the internationalization of its member companies towards the foreign markets often too far and with difficulty to reach by the individual ones, with a synergy between the Associates, that it will consent to export and get stronger instead of through an individual action. Particular services for the companies: International Fair organization ( Italian and foreign ones) in individual and collective stands; Trading missions organization; Advertising actions; Translations; Research of Partners, Agents and Distributors, Reception of foreign Businessmen and Delegations, Establishment of logistic platforms in the difficult markets, Strengthening of export products for the Associates, Membership of Networks and more complex associative systems.
TIF Consortium also supports the Associates for the products sale through the collaboration with his trusted and tested “Antennas” mainly in China, Brazil, India, Mexico, ASEAN and Cuba. Our offices are on hand for every requirements of associate companies


SIAL PARIS 2022 ; SIAL Paris 24

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