Casa Oilio Sperlonga Spa

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Casa Oilio Sperlonga Spa
via madonna delle grazie 54, 04015 Priverno, Italie
Contact entreprise
Giuseppe Canelli
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


Our project is born from the love of the roots and the earth

Starting from the stories hand down by our ancestors we got to know the Popes preferred and consumed the oil of our lands. We started deepening and a then an historical study confirms the handed down stories. The popes loved our olive oil to the point of developing an incentive plan to grow olive cultivation in the south of the papal state.
Starting from this study, we decided to select a very high-quality oil that could make us rediscover the ancient flavours so loved in papal Rome. This special oil was the object of export and appreciation already in the 18th century.

We have combined tradition and modern production, following all international food safety standards to allow you to bring on the table an oil with a unique and incomparable taste.

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