Canning's Gin

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Raison sociale
Companhia Nova de Aguardente, Lda.
Parque Empresarial da Ribeira Brava, Pavilhão nº 18, 9350-101 Madeira, Portugal Funchal - Madeira, Portugal
Contact entreprise
Marta Silva
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Canning's is a Premium Distilled Gin produced in Madeira Island, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It's recipe includes plants from the local natural forest Laurissilva (UNESCO Natural World Heritage). Adding hints of Passion-Fruit, Suriname Cherry and other exotic essences, give it a unique flavour.

The Laurissilva Forest or the “Water producer Forest” as it is known, is a humid subtropical forest, endemic to Madeira Island and the Macaronesia Region. It is in Madeira Island that it has its largest and best preserved area, for over 20 million years, occupying approximately 15 thousand acres and therefore being classified in 1999 as UNESCO World Heritage.

It is in this forest that we find the Barn Owl. This owl is an endemic species of the region and usually lives in the lower areas of Laurissilva forest, right on the border with the higher agricultural fields. Even though there are other species living there, it is the Barn Owl that patrols and protects the limits of this very special forest from external contacts, especially after sunset, keeping it intact, safeguarding the authenticity of its aromas, special essences and most importantly, protecting this authentic travel portal to our distant past.

For these main reasons, recognizing the essential role this owl has in the forest preservation, keeping alive all the essences that are important to us, as a thankful gesture, we invited her to be our god mother and asked her to bless this relation between our Gin and Laurissilva.

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