BAM - Become A Master

Profil vérifié par la marketplace

Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Moja Cokolada d.o.o.
Savska Loka 21, 4000 Kranj, Slovénie
Contact entreprise
Andraz Gavez
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE
Date de création


BAM stands for Become A Master and walks the talk. It brings top-quality ingredients that are not always available in general stores closer to amateurs who want to take their sweet creations to the next level. BAM encourages them and enables them to get better, create more sophisticated tastes, to become masters. We believe that with BAM you can BECOME A MASTER too.

You could say we are a small, young, positive, and relaxed team. Every year we grow as a company, as an online store, as a team, as a family. We believe that working with chocolate is the best job we could wish for. Few facts:
- 50.000+ slovenian e-commerce customers who loves chocolate and enjoy in baking. We use this value also to develop new products and get a lot of direct data & feedback.
- We operate as e-commerce first company, but generate 70%+ revenue through retailers.
- For now, none of our 100+ products was never “thrown out” of the shelves in any retail chain & our customer support have 96% satisfaction rating.
- In last 18 months the team grew from 3 to team of 12+ highly motivated souls on mission to conquer (at least) the European market.
- With “surfing on the waves” of Masterchef hype, we have written 3 pastry books, & shot 12 high-quality online courses. Now we are moving the whole industry towards digital (and meanwhile sold for more than 300k EUR just in educational products).

BAM was created with the vision of bringing top-quality home baking and confectionery closer for all who love chocolate and have a passion for making sweets. With the highest quality ingredients and sophisticated flavors, BAM is the best choice for anyone who wants to take their sweet creations to the next level. We believe that our BAM products have a place in every home bakers’ kitchen. We sell stories & experiences not just pastry products.

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