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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Toroslar Mah. Gizem Sok. No:19 Akdeniz, 33130 MERSIN, Turquie
Contact entreprise
Behcet Enes Urgenli
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


With more than 20 years of experience in the field of international commodity trade AVES, is a leading actor in the fields of production and international trade of vegetable oils, biodiesel production, storage of petroleum/petroleum products and vegetable oils, open seas vessel loading and unloading platforms and real estates.

AVES provides %35 of Turkish raw sunflower oil supply and is the proud owner of the largest and fully integrated oilseed processing and biodiesel plant of Turkey in Mersin Province. Established on 12 hectares of land in Mersin Province, the facility features a capacity of 1500 tons of crushing, 600 tons of refinery which annually produce an impressing 1.000.000 tons of products including vegetable oil, oilcake and biodiesel.

With SAFYA sunflower oil brand, AVES guarantees the same quality in its first and one-millionth bottle and thus expands its market share both in domestic and international markets. AVES excels in every step of production from fields until the table and is the owner of the first and only cooking sunflower oil plant in Erbil Region of Iraq. Erbil cooking oil plant has a daily capacity of 200 tons of refinery and 600 tons of loading.

AVES is the owner of the warehouse and cake handling facility located closest to Habur Customs Station in Silopi which gives AVES a strong positioning for Middle East Markets.

With the third largest oil and vegetable oil storage facility located in Mersin Province of Turkey, which has a capacity of 220,000 cubic meters and with SAVKA port for loading and unloading of high seas vessels, AVES has a great advantage compared to its competitors on logistics costs. With its strategic location near the port of Mersin, with SAVKA platform and with a logistics fleet of 70 tankers and 30 damper-trucks, AVES boasts a complete set of supply chain.

On the other hand, AVES has real estate investments covering 72.000 m2 of land right across the Mersin Port. AVES is also among the shareholders of Bomonti Park Shopping Mall in Istanbul.

Per 2015 data, with a 730 million TRY of sales, AVES company ranked 223rd place Fortune 500 list and 92nd Place in export-specific list; 337th place in general list and 69th place in sector specific list of ISO 500; 291st place in general list and 41st place in sector-specific list of Capital 500. Among top 1000 exporters of Turkey, AVES ranks 551st and 42nd in sector-specific rankings.

In AVES, we are confident owing to our quality and we aim high to become a global actor. AVES’S HQ is in Mersin, Turkey. We also own subsidiaries in Switzerland, Dubai, Russia, Ukraine and Iraq engaged in trades and marketing activities.

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