Amphoreus P.C.

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Informations commerciales

Raison sociale
Amphoreus B&P
AGIAS ZONIS 87, 11256 ATHENS, Grèce
Contact entreprise
Cleio Vasileiou
Type d'activité

Conditions générales de vente

Informations légales

N° de TVA - renseignez 0 si hors UE


The idea of ​​creating Amphoreus Intertrade, is both simple and very natural.We have discovered the magic of extra virgin olive oil in our own olive groves in the Viotian Earth, which is located near Delfi and Arachova. The varieties of koroneiki, athinoelia and manaki are indisputably among the best in the world. Our desire to create a seperate set of delicious organic products led us to seek and create these sophisticated tastes. Upon setting off on our proffesional journey we enriched our portfolio with organic products from the Mediterranean diet.
Amphoreus organic products include some of the most precious gifts nature has given to us, olive oil and honey. There are three types of exceptional quality ie. olive oil - Gourmet, Bio & Premium, three types of honeys of exquisite - unique flavor from fir, chestnut and heather. Finally we could not omit organic molasses which is an integral part of the Mediterranean diet.

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